Happy Friendships Day People!!!!!!!!

Soooooooooo, Happy Friendships day!!!!!!!!!!!! And in honor of friendship, here are a few of my favorite Harry Potter quotes about friendship, but first Happy Friendships Day to all of you who take the time to read my posts!

Harry Potter friendship quotes
Harry Potter friendship quotes
Harry Potter friendship quotes
Harry Potter friendship quotes
““No, Harry, you listen,” said Hermione. “We’re coming with you. That was decided months ago — years, really.” — Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
Friendship Day 2019: Here are 10 quotes from Harry Potter and friends
Friendship Day 2019: Here are 10 quotes from Harry Potter and friends
Harry Potter friendship quotes
“But the mere fact that they were still there on either side of him, speaking bracing words of comfort, not shrinking from him as though he were contaminated or dangerous, was worth more than he could ever tell them.” — Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince 
Harry Potter friendship quotes
“Until the very end” — Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

Do tell me your favorite quote HP or not and the ones I have forgotten to add, I will end with this,

“Because we not only believe in the Faraway Tree and love our funny friends there, but we go to see them too – and we visit the lands at the top of the Tree as well!” “Hatred is so much easier to win than love – and so much harder to get rid of.””

-Enid Blyton, The Folk of the Faraway Tree

Stay safe!!

47 thoughts on “Happy Friendships Day People!!!!!!!!

  1. I loved these quotes so much!! Happy Friendship Day!! I am so happy that I found your blog and followed!!! I LOVE the HP book SO much! They’re the best ever! So excited to see more of your posts!

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  2. Happy Friendship day! I recently rewatched all the HP movies few days ago. I really love the quote “Until the very end”. It defines true friendship. And I love that you quoted Enid Blyton too! His book, “The Secret Island” was my very first novel!

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  3. I love this. I’ve been in a dark place but you have reminded me to turn on the light. My fave quote is when Hermione says ‘just because you have the emotional range of a tea spoon, doesn’t mean we all have’. And when Sirius says we all have light and dark within us, what matters is the part we chose to act on….that’s who we really are. And when Luna says if it’s just you alone, you’re not much of a threat. And she brings Harry back out of his head and back to his friends. Luna is the best, always. xx

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