Liebster Award#2 And The Small joys Tag!!!

Thank you sooooo much Aditi di for nominating me it means a lot to me😀


1-Thank the Blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.

3. Nominate 11 other Bloggers.

4. Ask your nominees 11 questions.

My Answers:

1-Describe yourself in 5 words

A music lover, introvert, studious, a book-worm, nerd

2-What is your favorite color?

Black, grey

3-Which country would you like to work in/live in?

I am happy in India only I don’t want to change it.

4-Who is your biggest inspiration in life?

ME Ok so maybe that is a bit over but I believe that I am my inspiration and I should do what I want to and keep doing it like that, I believe that I have to be me and that is all(believe me even I don’t get my logic).

5-What was/is your favorite subject in school?

Maths or Science

6-What do you want to be when you grow up/Would you like to change your career now?

Can’t say

7-Why did you start blogging and why on WordPress?

A school computer project

8-What are your favorite bands or singers?

Rock Gods, Elvis Presley, Ellie Goulding, Selena Gomez and so many moreI can’t even name.

9-Do you think that the egg came first or the hen?

Depends on the situation(I picked that from the movie Secret Superstar)

10-Which Harry Potter character do you relate to the most?

Luna Lovegood

11-Which Percy Jackson/The Mortal Instruments Character do you relate to the most?

Annabeth Chase

My questions:

1–During online classes these days how many times have you searched the answers the teacher is asking on the internet?

2-What is your greatest wish?

3-Do you like emojis or not?

4–Who is your favorite author?

5-Your favorite book series?

6–Are you talkative or silent?

7-One thing you dislike or like about any of your favorite author?

8-Do you have siblings?

9-Do you play any instruments?

10-Introvert or extrovert?

11-Your hobbies.

My nominees:

1-Somedatta Sengupta


3-Introverted Thoughts



6-Ashee Asiwal




10-Dulcy Singh


And there are so many others I want to nominate but I can’t, next time

The Small Joys Tag

Yayy!! I got tagged in this by MaeFlower if you haven’t seen her blog then what are you waiting for, and thank you so much MaeFlower for tagging me. Do check out her post here


  1. Thank the blogger who tagged you
  2. List 15 of your small joys
  3. Tag 5 blogger friends who bring you joy-feel free to say why😙

My joys:

1-Losing myself in the amazing world of imagination when reading a book.

2-Playing instruments, mainly guitar.

3-Listening to music.


5-Writing and doodling

6-Researching on something, anything I like to know facts about it.

7-Reading the newspaper, its fun.

8-Helping my friends and teachers.


10-Reading and thinking of an alternate ending to a book.

11-More reading

12-So many others I really can’t think of

13-Reading, writing


15-And the process repeats

I tag

1-Aditi Gupta

2-Introverted thoughts

3-Dulcy Singh

4-Nehal Writes

5-Anyone else who wants to be tagged, there are just so many so let me know in the comments.

And once again thank you Aditi di and MaeFlower for nominating me and tagging me.

Stay safe!!

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