A bunch of things left unsaid

You can’t patch up a cloth over a hundred times
It wont retain its style
You could say it feels more homely know after one or two times
Worn in and comfortable
Just like home
But darling you can only patch it a few times
In the end it becomes a rag
Used and torn apart
Redundant to say the least
Utterly destroyed by those mordacious clashes
I know that only love can hurt like this
And you know it too
So why’d you have to hit me where it hurts the most
Because there’s a limit to how much you can fix
And even you with your smarts and intelligence quirks you teased me about
Can’t fix it all
And change it back to the way it was
There’s no magic for us
Just reality
That now we are apart
And you’re happy now
Because you’re free
Free from me…..

There is an specific amount of times you can salvage a friendship, try to fit in or be pushy about it, but then you just reach an extent and then there comes jealousy. The jealousy which quite wisely put never has an expiration date, but one day you grow out of it just unexpectedly out of the blue you forget that a person exists and you move on and the joy that comes with it is the best.

There are no words to describe it you just stop caring kill off the character in your story and move on to a new chapter with different people different scenes and lesser but more valuable characters. In the end so many things are best left unsaid..

This past year had sooo many ups and downs and honestly there is so much I can say but then again it’s special yet not and some secrets are best when there is a mystery.

In the end both sides feel relieved when we loose someone because it’s for the best.

Anyyywayssss I’m backkk

Boards are over and I’m elated I’ll try to post more often now :)))

World Suicide Prevention Day

Feeding on darkness
Such a delight 
My hunger is finally being sufficed and fulfilled
What a joy it is to live in this century
With humans who care
A bit too much
And then none at all
Oh this society 
Doesn't think at all
These demeaning taunts
How I feed on them all
Such joy to exist
Ebullience rushing in my veins
I think of a time when humans used their brains
Such an abomination was it when they didn't kill themselves with strawberry flavored vape
I'm elated to live now
And forever prevail
~Suicide’s musings

Thought I’d do something different and write the musings of suicide as a character living in our era.
Each year on 10th September Suicide prevention day is marked to help people and spread awareness on why mental health is important and how drugs and suicide are not the way to combat life and problems.
With each day suicide is a growing issue impacting millions in the world. Least we could do is recognize the symptoms before a person commits it and help prevent it…..

Confused is the man who takes a break
Yet is unafraid
The man might be confused
At least he isn’t dull
Temporary solutions exist
Don’t force yourself to choose the one
In which you won’t exist…….

To define is to limit

Um hi?
I’m alive hehe….
Tenth is hard💀
So I wrote this poem long back questioning everything inspired from Oscar Wilde’s quote ‘To define is to limit’.

Who am I?
To define is to limit.
To define me on my religion,
Or from the state I belong,
Or maybe to define me on my looks,
My hair colour.
Or perhaps the colour of my eye,
And yet so from the area from where I use my wifi.
From my country,
Or from the colour of my skin,
From my age,
Or to define me on the basis of my brain.
Whether I am a fool or a sage,
To define me as a human is yet again to limit.
Maybe that’s limiting us all,
What if we are not one at all?
What if we are different?
What if defining a person,
As a person is not at all free but yet again to limit?
Calling them by their names is to limit,
Like Anne said;
She was an Anne and a Cordelia,
And maybe we all have a Cordelia we just need to find.
But then again,
We define.
We limit.
We limit greatness,
And we limit,
And at the end,
We limit,

So like this poem was more of a rant on how we all are limited and just caged.
I mean even the free birds don’t have freedom….
At the end of the day they are caged
To the sky

And I Am Me

I am me,
The small gentle little girl who hides behind her hair,
And the one who craves the spotlight and lets herself shine,
Run and soar in the morning air.
I am me,
The timid nerd behind her glasses,
And the girl who can easily challenge masses.
I am me,
And I am fire,
You can roast me,
But I will burn you after you try,
From the splinters of your pitiful fire,
I will change it into a forest fire,
For I am me.

I am a star,
Not here to be pretty though,
I am burning, writhing and raging yet dying,
But I will live longer than mankind,
For I am a star.
And I will be remembered as the star,
With people trying to study me and making me a part of their memory and textbooks,
A millennium later.
For I am me,
And not afraid.
I am fire,
And not afraid to burn the world down to build it again.
And I am a star,
I exist not to look brighten up someone's night,
But to be gazed upon as a powerful, unreachable and invincible body.
I am ME....

Dear Younger Me

Dear younger me,
What were you thinking? What were you actually thinking when you first said, “I wanna grow up! I wanna grow up to do this, or that It’ll be super fun”?

Each birthday you were so happy, each anniversary of tiny little things making you happier about how old you were getting. How you had been doing a single thing for so long?
Did it never strike you that you now have less years to do it? So much time, yet you still aren’t perfect it….
You lost so much time, but still aren’t at the top, haven’t achieved success unlike many others.
Or maybe you just haven’t worked hard enough because you said I do it when I get older, but when you get older you loose interest or your will because you aren’t perfect and you didn’t work for it before, you let a little slump take it all from you and never bothered going back to normal. And maybe just as you grew up, so did your normal.
Each birthday you were so happy about getting older, counting day to your birthday (I’m still doing that different reasons now though, it’s in 8 months 2 days by the way).
I’m not so happy about it now, I became a teenager last to last year, just reflecting on how happy my childhood was. And now, cribbing that I want to be little again.
WHAT WAS I EVEN THINKING? Seriously growing up is hard and bad and pretty stupid, just as stupid as the little me, I don’t want to be 14 now, just want to go back to the little me.

Today, the 10th of January marks my 2 year anniversary with wordpress and it’s been wonderful, I’m so grateful for all the friends I’ve made here on wordpress and so I thought of something special, could not come up with anything, but recently I’ve had an obsession with rhyming random things to make completely random couplets so I thought why don’t you all give a word and I’ll rhyme on it (I will suck btw, I’ve irritated ALOT of my friends with that)!

SO I haven’t have much time to write this post, but there are so many people I want to thank but I know I will miss, so thank you guys for being part of me on this journey, it’s been a memorable 2 years and I’m so happy for them.

2021 Wrap Up

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (We are 17 hours in when I’m writing this at the moment and it feels miserable not happy but I guess this year has 364 more days and 7 hours to prove it’s worth).

Here are some things I did in 2021 and some things I’m going to change in 2022.

Broke friendships with many friends, made better ones.
Realised that when you text people back without emojis they get offended.
Realised being a perfectionist isn’t always the best, it’s best to cool off and relax at times.
Learned not to let other’s comments get to me, cause hater’s gonna hate so snakes and stones don’t hurt my bones anymore because people throw rocks at things that shine.
Decided to continue being Jack of all trades cause “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”.
I didn’t post much in 2021 or work on my WIP, but I’m going to try in 2022.
I read 354 books in 2021, my goal is to read less (around 100 books) and focus on studies more this year.
I got obsessed with Taylor Swift last year, I plan to lessen my use of Taylor Swift puns, because I’M FEELING TWENTY TWO (yeah after this one, my friend PV made me a Swiftie, it’s nice to have a friend)
I irritated a lot of my friends by rhyming like an idiot in our normal convos, not gonna lie, I rhymed a lot last year and it was fun, and my new hobby is to rhyme unnecessarily (won’t do that now because it’s annoying).
I also realised that I can be so casually cruel in the name of being honest but the thing with people is that sometimes we just get lost in translation.
Felt different emotions which I never felt before (LIKE BETRAYAL, BETRAYAL AND MORE BETRAYAL).
I need to study seriously in 2022.
I tried bullet journaling, it went splendidly (for 4 days :|).
Ooo and I went back to school offline for few months, that was fun.
I reconnected with my old friends. I also watched friends, it’s a great series.
By the way I’m starting a series on equality and some minor patriarchal things we don’t notice in our daily lives (like Taylor said f the patriarchy).
At the end of 2021 I got really obsessed with Tokyo Drift, that, still hasn’t changed.
And so many more things that just slipped my mind but meh.
And I’m really really going to try my best to post because I have SOOO MANY IDEAS for posts and I bet you think about me when I don’t post (I’m going to try to keep that the last the Taylor Swift pun of this post, I need to calm down).


I also did a short series on my instagram about 3 things that I felt once, just in 2021.

And yeah that’s a wrap. I wish you all a verryyyyyy happy new year and I wish you the best for this year, I hope this one is the best one yet. (And not 2020 too)

I am a star

I’m a star

I am burning, I am writhing and a part of me is dying, the innocent one, the little kid.

I’m powerful, and my light shines even after years.
I’m a star. 

I am integral for life, and under my light you all hide. 

No I’m not big, but that just means I’ll shine longer. Yet I’m not small, nor is my shine or my glow, you aren’t close enough to see me shine and you never will be.
I’m a star.

I’m so far away you’ll never reach me, you’ll never know me well enough.

I’m a star.
I am not pretty because I’m raging and burning, and I AM ON FIRE.
I’m not meant to be pretty but I do so in your eyes, for that beauty, a sign of my strength and sedulous work.

You’ll study me like the mysterious fireball that I am aeons later. 

You see my past and reflect on it, dreaming about my present and my future, a pity you won’t see it, you say. You won’t be there.

I am a star.

FIlled with hydrogen, my words can make you dizzy and lose control.

I am a star. 

I’m filled with helium and you know, I’m deathly.

I am a star

What you see is a flicker of what I was, a twinkling past.

I am a star.

I look beautiful to you, even in my darkest times, and my presence, a relief.

For I am a star.

For I am a star.

A twinkling, burning, dying star but I’ll live longer than you.

I’m the same as many other stars, just different in size, yet so different, but that’s something you’ll never realise.

I am a star.

You’re seeing and admiring my past, because my present you’ll never see, you won’t be worthy of seeing it.

I am a star

To those who think stars, not lovely, well they aren’t meant to. Because they have the power to burn you.

I am a star.

My past and my shine can light up a dark night.

I am a star.

I’m burning, and it’ll take me a second to destroy you.

I am a star.

And a single star like me, can turn your world upside down.

And then into nothing.





Hey guys!

How are you all?
It’s been so long, since I’ve been active here. So recently in my last poem, I talked about me being a star and many people asked me how and here is how.
Just some random things I mentioned that have facts behind them-

  1. A pretty basic one but obviously starlight reaches us after years so we see the past, even the light of sun is from the past.
  2. The larger the stars are the shorter they live so tinier stars shine longer.
  3. Obviously stars are pretty far away, you can’t reach them, just like some people, you want to get to know them, but they are so far away from you even when you talk to them everyday.
  4. And stars are on fire so yeah.
  5. All stars are made of hydrogen and helium so basically they have the same composition, yet every star is different in it’s own way (atleast to me).
  6. Hydrogen gas makes us dizzy and helium is a deathly gas.
  7. Stars obviously don’t twinkle.
  8. Stars have a longer lifespan then the entire existence of human race.

Somehow I feel this post is wayy too sciency now😂. (I would make one of my friends so proud with such facts😂)
Anyways once again I wish you all a Merry Christmas!!

(BTW one of my close friends opened a youtube channel some time back and he would really love some support, do check it out, it’s a great one. ).

What if

“What if we all are just mere stories in a dreamers head, what if life is one in our own head, what if you are just a villain in my story, my dream, a nightmare I hope I don’t recount again.”


Illusions, dreams, nightmares, hallucinations. What if in reality that’s all our life is? Or what if maybe, we dreamt it all up and woke up to find none of it is real.
What if you were never really my friend, just a villain in my story. What if you hadn’t been my friend all along, what if you don’t exist and I had dreamt you up.
What if me annoying you was your nightmare and it didn’t happen, what if I was so lost in my dreams I thought you responded but you didn’t.

What if you dreamt me up, or about me, and then forgot it wasn’t in real life. What if you imagined me something I wasn’t just for the sake of your sanity.
What if you didn’t exist and I imagined it all up, all of you, all of everything and I am indeed insane in another world of reality.

Nothing is real in this world except me, or is everything real except me. What if this universe is paradoxical and I belong to a parallel one, what if one day you all turn against me, different creatures and I am the only one left, and such so in another universe, where people like me turned against one of you.

What if you all are coded to tell me you’re real and yet fill the same confusion in my mind thinking we’re the same but we’re not.
What if you want me deluded, to turn me into something I’m not, or maybe just to throw me out of your way.
Maybe you didn’t mean to hate me, maybe you were taught too. Maybe I should forgive you cause you were never really who you were, or maybe cause you didn’t exist, like now you don’t, atleast not for me.

What if all we see in this world is just our worst nightmares mixed with reality, or perhaps the good in our dreams mixed with the brutality of this world.
The world is just an illusive vision, or maybe we are unwritten characters in a writer’s mind. Maybe we are characters in a book and people are reading us like we read or maybe people are watching us in a movie hall eating popcorn, without a care in the world, with kids screaming about everywhere.
What if there is a larger and greater species than us, and to them we are just as tiny as atoms and exist like the amoeba, unseen yet studied upon by the curious.

And at the end what if nothing is real but I am, all alone in this universe just a single soul, with no assurity so as to what life is……..

My Sachem, My Helot

I lost control over my most prized possession,
You were it,
You were my slave,
And I,
Your master,
Your flowed in my veins,
You were the blood,
Thicker than the water of my worldly goods,
I’m lost in your mystical world,
Trapped by all the walls you built around me
And now,
You haunt me,
You tempt me,
You scorn me,
You hurt me,
You control me in your fingers,
Like a switch switched on and off,
Or a puppet in a puppeteer’s hands,
You cajoled me into being confident,
Till you crushed me,
And destroyed me,
Nothing is same anymore,
I lost my authority over you,
I can’t control the words anymore,
My only power in this world,
Gone forever….

Happy Birthday Papa!

To the one who helped with my first steps,
Taught me how to ride a bike,
Aided me on my first hike,
And sneaked me chocolates when I was grounded!

All that junk food in the car,
Even when we didn't have to travel too far,
All the fun we had,
When I was little,
And whenever I got mad;

Thank you for being there,
All my life,
Have a happy birthday papa!

Just came outta my hiatus to wish a Happy Birthday to my dad (though obviously it’ll be epic, cause I exist😆)

Happy Birthday Papa!
(PS Thanks for sneaking all the chocolates during morning practice 😉 )