An Introvert, An Extrovert or An Ambivert

Heya homo sapiens in this post me a really weird person who has no clue which category she fits in tries to decide what am I?
An introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert.
I don’t think I fit in any but eh.


An introvert is defined as a shy, reticent person.
Yeah so basically I do fit that, not the shy part, I’m shy about a few things and as for reticent (which I googled means that someone who is not readily able to reveal one’s thoughts or feelings.) yeah I am quite protective and don’t like people to know my thoughts just some of them, so I guess I am selectively permeable (like cell membrane yay I remembered something from my science class) and what I share depends on the thought and the person mostly I just write it all out.
But I do like left to be alone (more than half the time) cause it’s the best thing EVER


An extrovert is defined as an outgoing, socially confident person.
So yeah, I’m not social in real life or maybe I am, but I am pretty confident and do everything I need to to stay in the limelight, so basically I want to be left alone and stay in the limelight how very genius of me xD

But I hate talking to people and I love talking to people and I am socially confident I guess so still in a dilemma hopefully I fit in an ambivert 😐


WOW google says that an ambivert is a person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert features in their personality.
Wait does it count having all features of both of them, cause I kinda do, so uhh I’m an ambivert, huh
Guess I was wrong I did find what I am, yay me 🙂

So I did find what I am, yay me, I really hope this wasn’t a self-obsessed post, so a question for you all, what are you, an introvert, and extrovert or an ambivert?
Can’t wait to read your answers and chat in the comments (my extrovert side here xD)
Stay safe!

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